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Paracas - Healthcare ICT Consultants

Paracas provide a one stop shop for all your Healthcare ICT Consultancy needs. Our goal is to help you to use ICT to improve patient outcome and make the running of your hospital more efficient. We offer a unique background in the industry; we are not affiliated to any equipment supplier. We base our designs on what is best for your needs from any supplier and not from a restricted basket of goods from affiliated suppliers! Through work with Healthcare facilities of all sizes, from major hospitals through local clinics and green field sites, we have gathered invaluable insights into how best to serve our customers and complete projects on time and within budget.

Historically ICT in Healthcare has been deployed on an ad hoc bases. Specific problems have been addressed, but the data gathered has remained as a local "island of information" and the only way to include it in the patients chart has been to make a paper copy and add it to a paper record. We seek to integrate such information into an Electronic Patient Record so that clinicians from all parts of the facility can access relevant information as and when required without the need for paper charts or radiological study film.


Naturally to achieve this, most facilities need to overhaul their existing IT infrastructure, or in the case of "green field" sites consideration has to be given to exactly what infrastructure should be deployed.  This is where our 40 plus years of main stream ICT infrastructure design and deployment comes into its own. Combining that with our knowledge of clinical requirements allows us to design the server, network and end user equipment to best serve your needs. But even more than that, we can help facilities to leverage this IT infrastructure to implement better facilities management, CCTV and even car park management systems. Once the infrastructure is designed appropriately it can be dimensioned to meet your needs, whatever they may grow to be.

Paracas Ltd. Unit 20 Churchtown Business Park, Beaumont Ave., Churchtown, Dublin 14. Ireland. Tel: +353 (086) 8160244 Fax: +353 (086) 58160244 Email: info@paracas.ie

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